Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rachel's Challenge

Today we went to our first guidance class with our school counselor, Ms. Sayklay. Our class learned about Rachel's Challenge. We will be working together as a class to make a chain of links. Each link will represent an act of kindness done by a member of our class. It will be an exciting year as we watch our class chain grow and as we strive to "create a chain reaction" of kindness. Feel free to check out the Rachel's Challenge website to learn more about this district wide program.

* Please be careful when visiting this site with your child. *

Rachel was a victim of the Columbine tragedy. This was not discussed with the children at our school, but it is a part of the secondary education program, and is discussed on the website. Please preview it and decide if it is something that you want to look at with your child before inviting them to take a look. We do, however, think that it is a great website for you as parents to visit. To see what Rachel's Challege is all about go to

I believe that this is going to be a great asset to our classroom, as well as our school. Please join us and engage in acts of kindness around your home and in our community.

* Tomorrow is the last day to turn in this month's Scholastic book order.
* Don't forget to send in your child's I Like Me project. We are hanging them in the hallways.

Thanks! Have a great night!


  1. Hi, what are the 2 links that we can use at home when our child demonstrate an act of kindness?

    Thanks. have a nice weekend!


  2. Good question! Ms. Sayklay wrote a letter to parents and attached 2 blue strips of paper (the links). You can write your child's act of kindness on the blue paper and send it back to school. I will take each strip of paper and staple them together to form a chain. I will hang the chain up in our room and our class will watch it grow all year.

    If you don't have the blue strips of paper you can just cut some from paper at home. I use different strips of paper here at school. Mostly from papers I have recycled so we don't waste them.
