Monday, September 28, 2009

Book Fair


Our Fall Book Fair theme is

"Read Around the World"

Help us decorate for the Book Fair by showing off your favorite photo!!
We are looking for pictures taken NEAR & FAR!
Please send in your pictures by Thursday, October 1.
Please include your child's full name and teachers name on the back so that
we may return it to you at the end of the Book Fair!

Thank you,

Nicole Guardado & Julie Egan

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Week of Sept.28 - Oct.2

Can you believe we are entering the month of October already? We have so many fun lessons to teach your children about Fall. This week we will wrap up our thematic unit on apples. We'll follow up with a unit on leaves, and then lead right into our pumpkin unit. Our upcoming field trip to the Arboretum to look at the pumpkins will be a perfect way to connect all that we have learned so far this year! Don't forget to send in the permission slip and money if you haven't done so already.

Guided Reading is in full swing. Make sure to send in those Guided Reading folders everyday.

Social problem solving is a HUGE part of Kindergarten. It is very important that children learn to interact and solve problems together. This creates in them a sense of confidence and pride. When children are able to work disagreements out together they are more likely to be able to make and keep friends in the future. We have been working really hard on this these first few weeks. We have read many stories, done some brainstorming, and watched a short video on how to talk to friends to work out problems.

Next week we will meet Kelso! Kelso is a frog that has some great “choices” that can help if you get in a conflict with a friend. These include:

*Take time out to think of a good choice
*Share and take turns
*Make a plan together
*Walk away
*Use your words
*Make a different choice
*Tell them to stop

We will talk about different situations and when you would use these choices. Feel free to print these off and use them at home. It is great reinforcement and might just help out with sibling fights as well.

Of course we will also talk about BIG problems and how you should report those to a grown up. In our classroom they will be asked to try at least 2 of Kelso’s Choices before reporting to a teacher. This will help your child to feel successful and know that they can solve problems on their own.

We have also been talking in our classroom about the difference between a tattle and a report.

*A tattle is telling to get someone in trouble. If the situation does not involve you then it is probably a tattle.

*A report is telling because someone is getting hurt.

Thank you so much for your help in making your child a great friend!

We have been asked to pass along the following information to you…

Hunt Middle School scheduled to open in 2010 –

As you are probably aware, Hunt Middle School will be opening in 2010 to relieve Pioneer Heritage Middle School. The School Board will review draft zones for Hunt at their meeting on Monday, October 12. If you are interested in more information regarding the zoning process and school locations go to Following the meeting, maps of the draft zones will be on the website and available for review at our schools. Input is being taken from parents via phone, fax, and email and public input will also be heard at the November Board meeting. A final decision will be made in December.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Conference Day/ Literacy Night

Tomorrow, Friday, September 25th, I am sending home a note with your scheduled conference time along with a questionnaire to help me prepare individually for each conference. I did my best to accommodate all requests. If you need to reschedule for another date and time please contact me and we'll look at our calendars together. Thanks!

Also, I wanted to give you a heads-up on an important meeting the Kindergarten teachers and our Reading Specialist, Beth Henderson, are planning for you. Here is a copy of the flier that will go home this Monday:

Please Join the Kinder Team
Literacy Night

Who: Kindergarten Parents

When: October 8, 2009 from 6pm to 7pm

Where: Spears Elementary Café

Why: To learn about the ins and outs of Guided Reading! You will also learn helpful strategies to use at home. We will give you a brief explanation of iStation, our new assessment system.

(We will use this time instead of Parent/Teacher Conference time to discuss guided reading. We need the conference time to discuss other items with you.)

The Kinder Team

Class Parties and Directory Information

Dear Parents,

This is a reminder that the directory information and class party money are due this Friday, September 25th. Please make your check for $6 ($2 x 3 parties) payable to the Spears PTA. Please send the directory form and money (in an envelope marked "Room Parent") with your child's daily folder.

If you did not receive a form or have questions about the form please
contact Stacy Alberts at or 214-534-0737.

Thank you for your help. We look forward to a fun year!

From your Room Parents,
Stacy Alberts & Kelly Holcomb

Book Fair

Spears Book Fair is scheduled for October 5th -9th. Our class will visit the Fair one day to browse. The children will have an opportunity (with help from volunteers) to fill out a Wish List and bring it home to show you. You can send money back to school in the red folder and we'll handle paying for and sending the books home. The other option is to visit the Book Fair yourself with your child. Spears has scheduled Lunch with Loved Ones during that week. You are invited to come and have lunch with your child and then you can take them to the Book Fair to shop. Here is the schedule for this special lunch:

Tuesday, October 6th - grades 1, 3 & 5
Thursday, October 8th - grades K, 2 & 4

If you plan on buying lunch for yourself from the cafeteria please let me know. The cafeteria manager will need to order extra food based on the number of parents who are buying on that day. We don't want to run out of food before 4th graders and their parents have their lunch. Thanks for responding!

Hope to see you then - happy shopping!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Reminders 9/23/09

* Wear yellow tomorrow to celebrate our color of the week.

* We have library tomorrow - don't forget to bring back your books!

* Field trip permission slips and money are due by Sept. 28th.

* Guided Reading folders and red folders need to come back to school every day. We officially started Guided Reading on Monday.

* Please bring an apple if you haven't done so already.

We are wiping down our tables, computers, Home Center and Math Cubbies on a regular basis. If you are able to donate any Clorox wipes, Lyesol or hand sanitizer we would really appreciate it! Thank you!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Volunteers needed for Book Fair!

My name is Julie Egan and I am a co-chair for the book fair coming up on Oct. 5-9. We need more volunteers for the book fair. We have a variety of time slots open:

Monday Oct. 5 - Friday, Oct. 9 AND Wed., Oct. 7th
7:30-9:30 6:00-8:30 PM

We need help with decorating and setting up the week of Sept. 28 - Oct. 2.

Please have parents contact me at my email address if they can spare some time to help us out. Any and all help is appreciated!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week of Sept. 21 - Sept. 25

Just wanted to fill you in on what we are learning over the next few weeks. This week we are starting our apples unit. We will continue this unit over the next 2 weeks. Among the many things we’ll learn, we’ll talk about how apples grow, how apple trees change over the seasons and the parts of an apple. Please remember to send an apple if you haven't done so yet.

We will also add the words “yellow”, “the” and “at” on the word wall so we’ll be constructing a lot of sentences with these words. Some of my centers this week include: sequencing (identifying the words first, next, then, last), cutting out words and gluing them onto sentence strips in the correct order, venn diagram and web about Fall, matching upper and lower case letters, continuing practice on gripping our pencils the right way, and several more! Hopefully your children are finding it easier to tell you all about their day!

Guided Reading officially started today. Please check my post Guided Reading for lots of information. You'll find all your answers here. I'll have more for you during our conference time.

I am going to look over the schedule again and contact everyone regarding their conference time. I have had many requests and changes in the last few days. As soon as I consolidate all the changes I'll send you an e-mail or call regarding a date and time when we can meet. I will notify you by this Friday.

In Math, we will review everything we’ve learned and also practice some simple math addition sentences. We don’t typically focus on one skill in math like our thematic units. We introduce concepts and practice/reinforce them all year long! For example, we’ll never set sorting and patterning aside… rather, we’ll learn to build on these concepts throughout the year.

I am very excited about the field trip to the Arboretum. If you would like to attend, remember you MUST have a background check on file. Let me know if you have any questions about that. I think the kids are really going to enjoy this one!

Stay tuned for updates and pictures from our apple unit! Keep washing those hands!

Mrs. Dooley

Guided Reading

In your child's guided reading folder, you should see a book and/or activity, book log, as well as some information about guided reading. Basically, I group the children based on ability and we work on many things including but not limited to: letter work, word work, punctuation, one-to-one correspondence, fluency, sequencing, sentence structure, comprehension, expression and blends/chunks, etc. You will see a book and/or activity go home more than once. The reason for this is because we use familiar readings during the week to work on these different skills. So, the way it might work is that I may pull your child's group every day and we may work on the same book each time. More than likely, you'll see 1-2 books a week. In this blog, I'm including tips on what to do at home w/your child's guided reading folder as well as FAQ's. Hope they help!

What to work on at home:

* If it's a book going home, read the book a few times. (You can have him/her read to different people in the family, for example) Often times your child has read his/her GR book several times at school so he/she should be very familiar w/the story. This is what we want. We don't want your child to go home decoding words in the story too often if at all. Instead, we want your Kindergartner to practice fluency, fluency, fluency! (This means he/she is reading the book in a natural talking voice and at an appropriate speed.)

* If it's not the first time reading the book, the next night you can ask comprehension questions after reading, ask them to sequence the events (what happened first, second, etc.), and inferencing is really big also. (implied answers)

* If you see an ABC chart going home w/your child, also practice saying letters and sounds as they "read" the chart. (ex. "A says a, a, aligator) This can also help w/fluency.

* If the book is too difficult or your child is frustrated during the first reading, do a "shared reading" where you can read the book together the first time (as you point to the words) or you can read the first page as you point to the words and they can see the pattern of the text.

1. Do we need to log the book title every night?
A: Yes. Please log twice if the book comes home twice.

2. What if it's an ABC chart?
A: You can log ABC Chart

3. Is it okay if my child seems like he/she just memorized the text?
A: yes, this may be the case w/shorter stories and this will allow better practice with fluency.

4. How many times should we read the book?
A: Not too many that it becomes tedious for your child. I recommend having your child read it to different people in your family, stuffed animals, over the phone w/relatives, etc. as long as you're making it fun and not a chore.

5. Why does the book seem too easy for my child?
A: Remember, we've read the book at school several times so the book should be familiar. We may be working on specific skills such as the ones mentioned above and many times, that is better accomplished when your child is not having to decode every few words. Also, we decode words in our guided reading group as we learn STRATEGIES on how to do this. When your child learns and practices these strategies daily in reading, that is how they transition into an independent reader.

6. What is one-to-one correspondence?
A: This is usually the 1st skill we work on when children are ready to read. Beginning readers struggle w/one-to-one. This is matching the word you're reading to the word you're pointing to. For example, "I see a blue sky." Is your child pointing to the word "blue" but saying the word "sky?" You might see very simple patterned books come home the first month or so b/c we are working on one-to-one.

We will talk more about GR and more specifically on what you can do at home to encourage and help your child read at our parent conferences but for now, I hope this will help you get a routine started. Happy Reading!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9/16/09 Notes in the Red Folder

There are 3 notes in your child's folder I want to make sure that you see.

1. Field Trip - There is a $4.50 cost and your child must have a sack lunch. The money and permission slip needs to be sent in by Monday, September 28th. Parents can attend, but you'll need to drive your car and pay an additional $5.00. Please make other arrangements for siblings since you will be assigned a group of children from the classroom to watch.

2. Apples - We will start a two week thematic unit on apples beginning this Monday. We will be graphing apples, adding them, cutting them to learn about seeds, using them to measure - the list goes on & I'll be sure to add some pictures to my blog to show you! Don't forget to send in an apple with your child by this Monday.

3. Green - This is one of our newest words we added to the Word Wall. Tomorrow we will celebrate by wearing green. Each week I'll add the new Word Wall words to the Kinder website (the link is on the right side of this page) and send a reminder note on Wednesday. We celebrate the color word on Thursday of that week.

If you have any questions about the notes just let me know!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Miss Bobbie

I'd like to introduce you to Miss Bobbie! (picture coming soon) She will be my student teacher from the ESTA program at Frisco High School. This program allows high school students interested in the field of education an opportunity to work in elementary classes. I will mentor Miss Bobbie for the next few months. She will not conduct any assessments or be involved in the documentation of each child's progress. (This kind of information is kept confidential and shared only with appropriate school personnel and you!) She will be doing things like reading to the kids and helping me do "teacher stuff" in the classroom. For starters, she is creating a Poetry and Songs folder for each child. She is putting the songs and poems we learn in these folders to keep us organized and give you, the parents, a wonderful keepsake from kindergarten!

Just wanted you to know about Miss Bobbie so you'll know who she is when your child mentions her name!

Monday, September 14, 2009


I have decided to motivate my class to read more books and learn something about giving to others through Scholastic Book Clubs ClassroomsCare program. Peyton and Eli Manning will be donating 1 million books this December through this program. I'm keeping a chart in the classroom of our progress. Our class will receive special online video "pep talks" from Peyton, our team captain. Our classroom goal is to read 100 books and get our class listed in the Hall of Fame. I will have special certificates to give the children when we meet our goal.

Check out this program by going to and cheer us on as we work towards our goal!

Practice Writing Numbers

We made this math book in class this afternoon! This is a great way for you to see how we teach the children to write their numbers. Now you'll have the right words to use when practicing with your child at home! Look for the book in your child's red folder.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Finish Up Fridays & Procedures

You might hear your child talk about Finish Up Fridays. Here's the scoop on that! On Fridays, at various times in our schedule, the children finish any work they have not completed during the week. The hope is that there will not be a lot of work to do on these days but rather just a few items to finish. This is a great way to manage the student's progress throughout the week and teach them about time management.

In the beginning of the year, we might have several friends who will have a significant amount of work to do. As you can imagine, these friends are very surprised to see all the work left for them to finish. As a result of this, they might miss part or all of "free choice centers" during our literacy block. Sometimes too much talking to our neighbor causes us to have lots of work to finish on Fridays. I don’t mind the children visiting at all while they work. Finish up Fridays are just motivation and reminders that being productive is important as well. This also allows me some time to work more one-on-one with students that need help or guidance on a certain skill as well as staying on-task.

In addition, I am a stickler for every child doing their best work which many times is very different from child to child. As I check work, some friends may have to make multiple trips back to their table to redo or add to their work. Please know that it is never my intention to frustrate any child. I will academically push your child and they might be uncomfortable. I appreciate your trust in me to never push them too far. My motto is "always do your best" and "I'm not sure, but I will try" - that includes our behavior and work as well. Very soon I anticipate Fridays will be their favorite day of the week because it is a well earned treat for working hard all week!

Destination Imagination

Building Tomorrow's Leaders: One Challenge at a Time
Destination ImagiNation is an innovative organization that teaches creativity, teamwork and problem solving to students across the U.S. and in more than 30 countries. Its main program is an extraordinary team tournament where student teams from all over the world solve mind-bending Challenges. Teams are tested to think on their feet, work together, and devise original solutions that satisfy the requirements of the Challenges. Participants gain more than just basic knowledge and skills—they learn to unleash their imaginations and take unique approaches to problem solving.

Mark your Calendar for D.I. Meetings and get ready to have FUN! Informational meetings for parents will be held at Bledsoe on Sept. 22nd and at Rogers on Sept. 28th. Be there at 6:30 to learn about D.I. and how to coach your child to more creative thinking. We are also looking for a parent coordinator to help with communications. Contact Chelsea Thomson at for more information or check out the Destination Imagination web site for details.

Friday, September 11, 2009

"Rowdy" from the Dallas Cowboys

Week of Sept. 14 - 18

We had such a fun Friday! Rowdy, the mascot for the Dallas Cowboys, came to Spears to talk about teamwork. He invited several of our students onstage to cheer and dance. Check out my pictures!

This week we wrapped up our unit on the 5 Senses. Next week we will add "green" and "me" to our Word Wall. We're also learning about community helpers and their responsibilities. We'll be creating a flipbook on these helpers and reading different books about them throughout the week. In Science we'll be learning about different patterns, and in Math, we'll focus on shapes, numeral formation and continue to explore sorting. Another homework sheet will go home on Monday with questions about birthdays, shapes, colors and community helpers - our big unit for next week!

The ABC quilt squares are so creative! I hope you had lots of fun doing these with your children. I'll post a pick as soon as we put it up on our wall.

One last thing for this week...we are continuing to take sanitary precautions around the room. Please help me out by visiting with your children about coughing and sneezing into their elbows instead of their hands. You might want to mention something about playing with their teeth as well. The children were working very hard this week on their "loose" teeth. I'm not convinced everyone has a loose tooth, but they sure want one! We had a discussion about not "helping" our friends pull their teeth and how germs can spread when we put our hands in our mouths. Oh, how they can't wait for the Tooth Fairy!

Enjoy the weekend with your family! I'll be adding to the blog very soon with some answers to more of your questions. I hope you are finding these helpful as we start our year!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

J'Niya working on a paper about following the rules from the Science Center.

Brandon in the Write Around the Room Center

Surina & E.J. in the Story Retelling Center

Zoe & Cole browsing through the Math cubbies.

Mrs. Coleman teaching the kids how to check out a book in the library.

Kevin coloring a math paper.

Cole, Marshall & Nathan playing at recess.
Riley Mae working on a puzzle.

Selena getting ready to color.

Devin & Riley Mae in Computer Center
This is how we sit in the library after checking out our books.

Mrs. Guerrero showing the kids how to take care of their library books.

Katelynn cooking in the Home Center

Brandon doing the dishes in the Home Center
Taylor reading in the Big Book Center

Kaitlyn, E.J. & Surina in the Overhead Center
Kaitlyn & Ella playing at recess

Marshall & Ella practicing writing upper and lower case letters
Selena building blocks

Brandon & Andrew working together

Katelynn, Zoe & J'Niya hanging out at recess
Surina - practicing holding her book from the library

Tristan - reading a book from the library

Nathan & Cole looking for books to checkout in the library.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Birthday Guidelines

We are so excited to celebrate your child's birthday in our class! Here are a few guidelines set by the school to help things run more smoothly:

1. If you send a treat for the class, make sure you send enough for everybody. Please leave the treat in the front office and your child will pick it up after 2:00 pm.
2. It's best if you keep all the treats the same. (i.e. all vanilla cupcakes, same kind of cookie, etc.)
3. Please do not send any treat bags or candy bags. We are not allowed to pass those out.
4. If you want to send birthday invitations from school, make sure you have enough or we will not be able to put them in the red folder for you. Per FISD, teachers are not allowed to give out names and addresses of students. PTA will publish a school directory.
5. Don't forget to send napkins and/or paper plates with your treat if it is messy!
6. Remember our class allergies when providing treats. We have nut and gluten allergies. (The parents of these children have graciously provided "special" treats to accommodate birthday treats their child cannot eat.)
7. Summer birthdays are celebrated at the end of the year. Their name will be called out at Huddle also. I will let you know the dates so you can come!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Thanks for helping with our birthday celebrations!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week of Sept. 8 - Sept. 11

* Red! will be our guided reading book for this week. Don't forget to send it back to school each day in the clear envelope.

* Homework Assignment Sheet #1 is coming home today. It is due this Friday. I will have all Homework Assignment Sheets attached to our Kinder Website should you ever lose yours or want to doublecheck and make sure you are working on the right one.

* Spears PTA will have a meeting this Thursday, Sept. 10 at 9:30 am in the TEAM room by the front office. Lorraine Brock of "Get Organized" will be doing a presentation on getting organized at the beginning of the school year and beyond.

* On Thursday we will wear BLUE to celebrate our color word for this week. We will also go to the library. Your child can turn in their library book prior to Thursday, but definitely by then so they can check out another book.

* Ask your child about our centers for this week! We will be retelling the story of The Hungry Caterpillar, writing words around the room, ABC computer program, making a book in the Name Center, discussing rules in the Science and Social Studies Center, reading big books. They rotate through 2 centers each day and have Friday to finish up any work they need extra time to complete.

* We are learning to count by 5s to 100 and 2s to 30. You can recite these with your child at home or in the car for extra practice.

Thank you for all your wonderful notes and the extra time you spend working with your child at home! I am beginning my assessments this week on each child and will have those results for you at our conference.

Mrs. Dooley

Friday, September 4, 2009

My child moved seats. What does this mean?

This was another great question! I move seats around all the time and change my center groups each week. As the year progresses and each child develops more reading skills my guided reading groups will also change. I believe this gives each child an opportunity to get to know their classmates and learn to work with others. If your child is moved because of poor choices I will notify you. So please don't worry if your child comes home and tells you they had to move, or they're in a different center group. We're just learning to accept diversities and work as a "family".

MVP & Star of the Week

Great question - What are these and how do they work?

Every week each teacher at Spears chooses an MVP for their class. An MVP is chosen based on their behavior and work habits for that week. We give the names to Mrs. Moroch on Thursdays and the next day she calls their name out at Huddle. Your child gets to stand up in front of the whole school and be recognized for their efforts. We will notify you on Thursday. In Kinder we also have Star of the Week. This gives each of our kids an opportunity to make a poster about themselves and share it with the class. We hang these posters outside our rooms for the entire week. In my class my MVP will also be my Star of the Week. Every student will be chosen this year!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rachel's Challenge

Today we went to our first guidance class with our school counselor, Ms. Sayklay. Our class learned about Rachel's Challenge. We will be working together as a class to make a chain of links. Each link will represent an act of kindness done by a member of our class. It will be an exciting year as we watch our class chain grow and as we strive to "create a chain reaction" of kindness. Feel free to check out the Rachel's Challenge website to learn more about this district wide program.

* Please be careful when visiting this site with your child. *

Rachel was a victim of the Columbine tragedy. This was not discussed with the children at our school, but it is a part of the secondary education program, and is discussed on the website. Please preview it and decide if it is something that you want to look at with your child before inviting them to take a look. We do, however, think that it is a great website for you as parents to visit. To see what Rachel's Challege is all about go to

I believe that this is going to be a great asset to our classroom, as well as our school. Please join us and engage in acts of kindness around your home and in our community.

* Tomorrow is the last day to turn in this month's Scholastic book order.
* Don't forget to send in your child's I Like Me project. We are hanging them in the hallways.

Thanks! Have a great night!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Excited to ride the bus home!
Look how nice we walk down the hall to Specials!

Take 5 - time to clean up

building new friendships during lunch

learning to spell red - coloring, cutting and gluing the letters

listening to morning announcements - look how nice we sit on the carpet

working on their morning warm-ups

waiting in the cafeteria before school

Reminders for this Week

* Bus #38 will now be called Bus #32 beginning Wednesday, September 2nd *

* Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 3rd from 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm in POD 3. *

* Our first library visit will be Thursday, September 3rd. *

* Don't forget to send Guided Reading folders (with the books) back to school every day so we can practice reading! *

* Don't forget to send a snack with your child every day. We have snack time in the afternoons. *