Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Playing in the Snow

How exciting was the record snow in Texas? We had our own little fun here at school last Thursday. Classes took turns all day going outside and playing for a little bit. Ms. Nguyen and I took our classes at the end of the day. The kids couldn't wait to play outside! I'm glad we had Friday to enjoy all the snow!

Once we got outside the kids took off running!

We had a contest on who could build the biggest snowball. I overheard some kids saying, "I can't believe snow is really this cold!"

We lined up our classes for a snowball fight. It was so much fun to listen to the kids laugh and scream.

Snowball fight!

On our way back in...and all I heard was, "Can we do this again next week?"

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Zoo Pals Fun

Learning to add and subtract can be a lot fun! Especially when you pass out paper plates and some Cheerios! Ask your kids how cool it is to practice your math facts using Zoo Pals plates.

Surina, Riley Mae, and Zoe use their flashcards to practice their math facts!

Taylor, Ayden, and Kaitlyn take turns playing teacher!

Brandon, Kevin, and Nathan see how many math problems they know in their brains!

J'Niya, Devin, and EJ take turns using their math flashcards!

Marshall, Ryan, and AJ like to see if they can solve math problems with big numbers!

Selena, Katelynn, and Ella like to spread out their work!

Tyler, Tristan, and Cole say this is the best math game ever!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Family Art Night

Family Art Night at Spears
Thursday, February 11th
PTA General Assembly Meeting at 5:45,
Art Night 6:00-7:00
Come Have fun and
Make a Valentine for Mom or Dad!
Supplies will be provided.
Any questions, please contact Ruth Manning at ruthlessrob@yahoo.com or 972-322-7406

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Things We Love

We have been learning all about love and friendship in class. For a special project the children wrote about things they love and published their writing all by themselves in the computer lab. They typed their sentences and "drew" pictures using a computer program called Max Show. I printed all the pages to make a class book. You can do the same at home if you want! Enjoy!

Friday, February 5, 2010

100th Day Fun!

We had so much fun today! I don't think I've ever seen the kids so happy! They might be a little more tired than usual. We kept them busy ALL DAY!

* Today we drew a picture of ourself when we are 100 years old! We even added wrinkles! Ask your child about how we did this!

* The children rotated through all the rooms for a special activity. Some of them are in their folders. In my room, we exercised...a lot! We counted to 100 by doing jumping jacks, crunches and situps. What a workout!

* Our 100th Day Trail mix was a big hit! The kids were excited to "cook" their own snack today. I had one of my high school helpers decorate labels for bags and the kids counted out all their own ingredients.

* Thank you for all your can donations! We lined up the cans on the stage for the entire school to see. 144 total!

* We had a total of 14 Centers today believe it or not! I spread out manipulatives all over the room and each child partnered up with somebody and rotated to each one. They only had a few minutes to count to 100, sort, label and play. They did such a great job! I love hands-on activities!

Check out our pictures!!!

Some of us aged over night!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

100th Day Can Food Drive

**Quick Note**
Show your child the picture of the eggs below. Let them tell you all about our experiment called Happy Teeth!

100th Day

We are so excited for the 100th day of school this Friday! We have so many fun activities and projects planned! We cannot wait to see your child dressed like they are 100 years old! Another way we are going to celebrate the 100th day of school is with a canned food challenge! As a grade level, we need your help to meet our goal of compiling 100 cans of canned food to give to a local food bank. Please send in canned food with your child on Friday and we will count the cans to see if we can reach 100! This is a wonderful way to promote giving and community involvement with your child and we are excited for this opportunity! Thanks in advance for your help and participation!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tooth Fairy Visit

The Tooth Fairy was so sweet! She answered all of our questions and talked to us about different ways to take care of our teeth!
We watched a video about Geenie the Giraffe who learned how to take care of her teeth.

She showed us how to brush the top of our teeth.

She reminded us to brush the back of our teeth.

We loved the part when she washed the front of our teeth. Riley Mae and Kevin were chosen to help her on stage. We clapped and cheered for them! They did a great job!

We cheered when the Tooth Fairy showed us her special toothbrush. It was so big!


...and more flossing!

We were such a great audience!

Monday, February 1, 2010


**Today in your child’s red folder you will see a bookmark from the Texas Tornado hockey team! They have a reading program (all the information is on the bookmark) where you can receive free hockey tickets! After your child has read 6 books, please staple a list of the books to the bookmark and return it in the red folder for the tickets. Thanks!

**A note from the Recycling Committee…
Hi Everyone,
It’s time to gather all your old phone books and help Spears with its Phone Book Recycling Program. The school with the most phone books will win a Rufus Recycling Party sponsored by Frisco ISD. So, remember to bring in your phone books between January 27 – February 10 to your classrooms. Thanks for participating!

If you have any questions, you can email me at vfgoldberg@hotmail.com

**If you are a big supporter of helping out the communityand love football then check out this link. http://www.collegefootballfrisco.com/ There is currently an interest in trying to bring the NCAA Division l Football Championship games to Pizza Hut Park in Frisco!

** This week we will celebrate the 100th day of school! I can't believe how fast this year is going! Each day we have projects and lessons celebrating this very special number. On Friday we will make our very own 100th Day Trail Mix and dress up like 100 year old people. I'm also going to have the class call my great grandmother in New Mexico to talk to her. She will turn 100 years old in a few weeks and is looking forward to talking with the kids about being 100! We are also wrapping up our Teeth Unit with a science experiment.

It's a very special week in Kindergarten! I'll post pictures soon!

A Note from the Office

When checking out a student early from school, your license must be scanned to add your name into the Raptor system. The scanning of your license, will associate your name with your student's name in the system.

So, next time you come to get your child early, please have your purse or wallet with you so you won't have to walk back out to your car to get it.

How to sign your child out at the kiosk: using the mouse, click on "student out", enter PARENT name and it will pull up your child, then select what child you want to check out.


Thank you for your cooperation!
Spears Office Staff